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Al-harameen Azan Clock - Ha-3007


  1. Prayer times for most cities around the world
  2. Qibla direction(relative to the North)
  3. Hijri and Gregorian calendars
  4. Qibla direction
  5. Hijri and gregorian calendars.
  6. Temprature display 
  7. Full screen El light
  8. Snooze option
  9. DC 6 Volts external input 300MA
  10. Audio  out  (Connect with speaker)
  11. Daylight Saving Time option 
  12. Gentle prayers reminder  
  13. Could easily add a new city(Longitude & Longitude&GMT information)
  14. Could easily modify the diference time prayer to the outskirts of cities adopted it
  15. Crescendo sound: All alarms have gentle wake-up sound that increase gradually

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